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Integrated Chinese 1, 2nd Edition (2006)

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Integrated Chinese 1

Made by: Skritter
Editors: mjv (edit)
Studied by 714 people.

Words: 1468

The most commonly used beginner classroom text, first volume. The book contains a veritable cornucopia of tasty treasures for the beginning learner. Contains 1463 words split across two volumes, 23 lessons. This edition does not contain the book's supplemental vocabulary. We also have lists for the 1st and 3rd editions.

Integrated Chinese 中文听说读写: Level 1, Second Edition. Written by Written by Tao-Chung Yao, Yuehua Liu, Lingyan Ge, Yea-Fen Chen, and Nyan-Ping Bi. Published in 1999 by Cheng & Tsui. 806 pages. ISBN: 978-0887275333.