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Site suggestion for study time calculation

akitaben   February 1st, 2011 3:54p.m.

This one is for the site developers and just my two 円 worth.γ€€γ€€In my personal observations, the study time calculation is drastically under estimated because while the page is static and timer is stopped, I'm still looking at the screen and working on memorizing the word. Also, since I've bought my Bamboo, I'll work on muscle memory for new words by re-writing a character I get wrong several times before continuing.

A suggestion I have is to use a configurable value in the profile to set your desired clock run-on time which would control the number of seconds the clock should keep going after the last mouse-click / input-event received. That should be enough to account for time the user is looking at the word/definition/etc. while trying to commit it to memory.

Hopefully this would also carry-over to writing practice too. For example, when I get a character wrong, I hit erase, then repeat as necessary to feel comfortable before continuing.


akitaben   February 1st, 2011 4:07p.m.

Alright, please dis-regard. I actually tried the google-search before posting, but didn't find anything. Then only to find a post a few below mine on this topic. :-/

Sorry. I didn't mean to start a second conversation for something that has been covered.

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