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This might also be caused by an internet filter, such as SafeEyes. If you have such a filter installed, try adding appspot.com to the list of allowed domains.

Galaxy S + Froyo = Skritter

daxiongmao   October 15th, 2010 6:27p.m.

Just figured I'd let people on here know that the Froyo update for Galaxy S Android smartphone has been rolled out in Scandinavia, and so far Skritter is working like a dream on the phone.

Be prepared to backup all your smartphone data though, as the phone needs a phone reset after the update (google how to do that if you don't know) to make sure everything works as it should. (I lacked access to the android market app after the update and the reset fixed it.)

I haven't been able to spot the mnemonics on the mobile version, is it hidden somewhere or not there at all?

nick   October 15th, 2010 10:51p.m.

Awesome! It seems like it's working on every 2.2 phone, with minor speed differences.

Not there -- not enough space, and the interface for editing them would have been clumsy. I could try to get them in there instead of the decomps, but editing would still be a pain. In general, I need to come up with a better prompt layout for it, because I just had to take almost everything out to fit it in there.

tunghiem2010   October 16th, 2010 4:10a.m.

That's promising!!!

I have a Samsung Galaxy from ATT too, but I am currently in China so it won't be before I get back to the US that I can get it.

How do you like the experience so far, I mean Android 2.2 on the Galaxy?

And Skritter, of course?

Bohan   October 16th, 2010 4:48a.m.

any updates for Iphone/Itouch users ?

nick   October 16th, 2010 4:44p.m.

I'm playing around with some things, but nothing definite yet.

daxiongmao   October 16th, 2010 8:14p.m.

After the hard reset and downloading and reinstalling all my free games and "hanping CE" dictionary, it has been working like a charm. ;)

(Remember to backup anything important to your computer via Kies or to an SD card before updating)

The difference between 2.1 and 2.2 on the SGS can be compared to before and after you clean your glasses. (Those of you who wear a pair will know exactly what i mean). It actually feels like the "iPhone killer" Samsung claims it to be. :D

Oh, btw, updating happended without any glitches through Kies and an USB connection

Lurks   October 16th, 2010 9:14p.m.

Mmm it might be quite a bit quicker on the Galaxy S. It's a demonstrably faster than handsets with snapdragon SoCs. Bah.

tunghiem2010   October 18th, 2010 5:27a.m.

Great! But I will have to wait until I get back to the US. oh well, I am happy with the state of my phone right now though! It's as good as my ipod touch (3gs chip)in most aspects, though the text on screen could be a bit crisper and the browser background could be true "white".

I do love the true black, bah!!!

Other than that it feels like an upgraded ipod touch to me!!! and I love watching TV shows on this monster! It looks so good and smooth!


costeni   November 10th, 2010 4:16a.m.

It's working perfectly on my Samsung Galaxy S after Samsung upgraded mine to 2.2 two days ago. Just one little suggestion - would it be possible to see the number left to review from within the practice page? That would help because I don't know when it's gone down to zero.

nick   November 10th, 2010 10:05a.m.

The number should be there, above the rest. I'm not sure, depending on the status bar, it might be cut off on that model? You can't scroll up to get it, can you?

You can see what the intended display is here:
On our test phones, it auto-scrolls the practice/progress/etc. nav bar off and the top is the review/added/time etc. status bar.

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