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mnemonic popularity

jww1066   August 6th, 2010 10:18a.m.

I'm glad the most popular mnemonics don't get displayed by default any more. In several cases the most popular mnemnonics actually have the components in them, or in some cases even show the characters that we're supposed to be remembering. That's tantamount to being given the answer in my book.

One of the purposes of the mnemonics for me is to reinforce the memories associating the components with their meanings; in the case of 皂, for example, if you use ndsino's fine mnemonic "Snow White and the seven dwarves use black soap" and have to recall that in this context "white" is 白 and "seven" is 七 you are reinforcing those associations. If you are given "Snow White (白)and the seven (七) dwarves use black soap" you are not practicing the white->白 and seven->七 associations.


wispfrog   August 8th, 2010 8:06a.m.

Just so.

Maybe there should be negative votes for mnemonics as well as positive ones.

葛修远   August 9th, 2010 5:11a.m.

Could be a bit of a blow to someone if their mnemonic gets negative-voted into oblivion though.

nick   August 9th, 2010 8:16a.m.

No need for downvotes if they're not going to be displayed by default, I think.

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