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Regional differences

smhon   August 2nd, 2010 12:52a.m.

Came across a book review for a recently published dictionary that links up the different terms in China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore. Was going to send this via email to friends learning chinese but reckoned it could also be useful for the rest of the community.


Thought would share this with the advanced learners who may be interested in the nuances. Its quite amusing to find the right term by trial and error, like asking for taxi & how to use the aircon at hotels in the region. :-)

nick   August 2nd, 2010 10:43a.m.

Ooh, nice resource! Apparently not a big seller, though, if the Amazon inventory is any signal.

pts   August 2nd, 2010 1:15p.m.

怡学出版社 is a Singapore company, so your version is for the southeast Asia market. The version for sale in the mainland and Taiwan: http://www.waterlike.com.tw/bookdata.asp?NO=H16C105003

smhon   August 2nd, 2010 8:28p.m.

Good point, I'm not sure why Amazon is not stocking this one. They are on book shelves all over here. Its a joint venture effort (I think) between the Nanyang University and China's Confucius Institute with other regional authors. Have no connection to any of them.

Interesting point you may not know is that one of the authors is the personal chinese tutor to the founding father (Lee Kuan Yew).

Hmm...another excuse to take a holiday in the far east perhaps? ;-)

p.s. I'm curious as to how big chinese studies are in your part of the world?

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