[1] Use the right browser with the right plugin: Google Chrome + Zhongwen (https://chrome.google.com/extensions/detail/kkmlkkjojmombglmlpbpapmhcaljjkde?hl=en)
(Firefox with PeraPera-Kun doesn't have Skritter support)
[2] Use a website that provides lyrics (歌词) and listen to the music:
e. g. http://mp3.163.com (网易音乐)
(alternatively sogou etc.)
[3] Activate the Zhongwen plugin
[4] Choose the songs according to your language level
most challenging: 幽兰操 by 王菲
easiest: 老婆老婆我爱你 (but only easy ...)
[4] When listening to the music make the website show the lyrics (e.g. click on "打开歌词" in the 音乐盒 on 163.com)
[5] Translate unknown words while listening to the music, click on "S" to add the word to your Skritter queue.
[6] Study the newly added words on Skritter.
+ Optional
Save your list of music to repeat the music and practice your listening and reading comprehension, e.g. by creating a 163.com account