I have been making some lists for a new book I am studying, but when I cram the list (from the link at the bottom of the list section editor), there are some words that seem to never come up. I just made a list of 10 items, and after cycling through 8 of the items many times, the other 2 still never came up. Has anyone else noticed anything like this?
Something else I noticed is that with the list editor if you close a "adding new definition..." progress alert popup (because it seems to have timed out, or something), it will replace the current list item with the item you were previously editing, leaving you with duplicate list items and one missing item.
One last thing is that for some lists the "Add Definition" link still shows up for some items, but the item already has a definition (if I try to add one, it gives me an error). An example is "奉為圭臬" in one of my lists.