Dear Skritter Team (and anyone else with input),
I was having moderate ease with a simple, one-dimensional use of Skritter:
1) I made my own personal vocab list and avoided publishing it so I could update it frequently (it took me three tries before I realized I needed to NOT hit "publish" if I wanted to edit it later).
2) Under "Practice" I always had cram mode turned on. Under this setting, I selected my personally made vocab list and studied it for a good week. The characters would come up in the same relative order, with some scrambling. No matter what I did or how many characters and tones I got right, it would test the same ones every time.
3) I'm thinking, "Hey, I want to actually track my progress and only study the characters I'm having difficulty learning". So, I turn off Cram mode and go into "SRS Practice" (what does SRS stand for, by the way?).
Here's where I encounter some frustration:
4) Random characters from "Integrated Chinese 2: Lesson 1" are showing up. Whoa. Why is this happening? I already know all of these words. Every time I draw them correctly, they just show up again in a few minutes.
5) Hmm, let me click on "active lists" and select only the lists I want to study. Okay, click the "play button" for the the custom list I made, and the "pause button" for all the others. Good.
6) What, what? No change? I'm still being tested on characters from "Integrated Chinese 2: Lesson 1"? Okay, let me go to the "Vocabulary" tab, select "Textbooks", and deselect "Integrated Chinese 2: Lesson 1". What? It's not checked off for me to study? That's odd.
7) Go back to the "practice" tab.
8) The same characters pop up from "Integrated Chinese 2: Lesson 1". I'm slowly beginning to see some characters from my custom list. For some reason, characters from the "HSK 4" list are also showing up, even though that has been deselected.
9) In short, what on earth is going on? Why doesn't the fact that I have deselected "HSK 4" and "Integrated Chinese 2: Lesson 1" prevent them from showing up in SRS practice? Do I seriously have to go to "Vocabulary" then "viewer" and manually deselect all the words I don't want to be tested on?
10) If this is the case, then the only utility your service can really provide for me without being a pain in the neck is through the cram setting, which frankly is too monotonous and doesn't reflect any sign of progress for me.
Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks.