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Show mnemonic is somenthing hidden on the Android version

qiaodan   June 21st, 2011 11:55a.m.

Hi guys,
i discovered that since I disabled the alphatest (I don't know if it is related) when i try to study on the android version sometimes the show mnemonic is not there, but only on very few characters is displayed. I am sure that the same character on the online version has enabled the show mnemonics buttons.
Thanks in advance.

nick   June 22nd, 2011 1:04a.m.

I'm working on getting the mnemonic showing and editing to work on the Android version, but it's still broken right now. I hope to get it fixed before too long.

qiaodan   June 22nd, 2011 12:50p.m.

I am happy that you noticed this problem, maybe you could gain space reducing the five buttons (back erase show correct next) they are too big.
Would be helpful to move the speaker button for the phrase after the phrase and not before because is very difficult to press, move it after the change button would be perfect.

qiaodan   July 8th, 2011 4:20a.m.

Hi Nick, I noticed it is not fixed yet, I really rely on show mnemonics on the Android version, I see that most of them are a not showed and few showed are not well formatted for example the second line is hided by the writing area. I also enable the alpha mode but this not change nothing. 3 weeks ago it worked fine.
My subscription is now expired and I will subscribe when this feature will work again because I find very difficult to memorize characters without view mnemonics at least in the beginning phase.
My device is HTC desire.
Thanks in advance.

nick   July 10th, 2011 4:28p.m.

qiaodan, I am not sure that I understand the problem. In my testing, everything is working that was working three weeks ago.

Are you talking just about character-level mnemonics for multiple-character words being cut off, or is there some other problem? If so, can you describe in more detail which characters/words it's happening on, what is being shown and not shown, and which characters/words it's working on?


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