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word-level rating button

jww1066   August 6th, 2010 9:36a.m.

I noticed that the little button next to the word that lets you select "got it", "so-so", etc. doesn't show up if I hit the "back" button. That is, if I go back one or two, I can change individual characters to "wrong" or "so-so", but I can't seem to change the rating for the whole word.

This is on Chrome 5.0.375.125 on Windows XP.

On a related note, did you guys ever add keyboard shortcuts to rate the whole word? I know this has been discussed before but I forget where it was left.


Byzanti   August 6th, 2010 9:48a.m.

Usually you can press back and change the word rating once, however if you try and change it a second time you'll find you can't. Presumably it then submits it to the server.

I do it all the time... (Although, previously on occasion this couldn't be done, as I guessed it just submitted too quickly, although that was rare and I haven't noticed it recently).

jww1066   August 6th, 2010 9:54a.m.

Hmmm, you're right, it only seems to happen when I've already rated the word. But I can rate characters, go forward, go back, and re-rate characters; why can't I re-rate words?

nick   August 7th, 2010 9:19a.m.

Bug. Got it on my list.

We haven't added keyboard shortcuts for that yet, no. Before I do that I want to fix it so that you don't usually have to rate characters and words manually as much when you "forget" a common character because you didn't know which one it was in the word.

We did just add keyboard shortcuts for opening the word popup, though: press "D" on the practice page (or "K" for left-handers). Keyboard shortcuts are kept in the FAQ:

jww1066   August 7th, 2010 12:41p.m.

I use the word-level rating button extensively because I study many words and phrases where I know perfectly well how to write the individual characters, but I don't know which characters to write for the word, or sometimes I don't know the correct order. In those cases I assume that marking the character wrong would mean to Skritter that I don't know how to write it, which is not exactly correct.


nick   August 7th, 2010 10:06p.m.

Yes, that's the use case that will happen automatically.

Tove   August 8th, 2010 5:06a.m.

For clarification: Does this mean that if I study the word 社会, and forget which the second character is, do I then get a lower grade on 会, also as a single character?

Tove   August 8th, 2010 5:13a.m.

... and if I also forget the second character in 机会 a couple of times, this would explain why 会 appears for practice much earlier than expected?

nick   August 8th, 2010 8:54a.m.

Yes, although you would usually have to forget 会 in more than one word before it would start showing up by itself before in 机会, so normally the behavior doesn't actually make any visible difference for two-character words.

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