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Corrections and Comments

george   March 10th, 2010 11:07a.m.

We have become aware of the fact that our new overhaul of the correction system has not been working very well. A number of users have submitted comments that have never received responses from us for which we apologize.

The problem has to do with the fact that we now mark incoming mail from the practice page as either a comment or correction. After hiring Christopher Clark and Gabriel, we started automatically redirecting e-mails with subjects marked as "Corrections" to them. However, if you sent us mail with the subject line as comments and requested us to correct word definitions, pinyin, or tones those e-mails will not have been responded to because we believed them to be sending it to Christopher Clark and Gabriel when in fact they were simply lying in our inboxes. Having just discovered this, I'm going to go back and respond to all of the e-mails that I can find that were marked as comments and include corrections, so if you have not heard back from us about a correction please feel free to e-mail me again and I'll make sure to take care of it.

In the future both e-mails marked as comments and corrections will be forwarded to Christopher and Gabriel and you should receive more punctual responses.

jww1066   March 10th, 2010 1:40p.m.

I would say that the customer support you guys have been providing has been about the best I've ever seen from a web site. When you can fix something, you do it quickly, and when you can't, you say so. Your post is a perfect example: you found a problem, you took responsibility, and now you're fixing the problem. And, even more impressive, everything is done in the nicest possible way. Although I'm sure you guys must get frustrated once in a while, it never seems to show.


Byzanti   March 10th, 2010 4:14p.m.

Absolutely echo the above ! Always a splendid job.

But regarding the corrections: pretty sure I was marking them "reading and definition issues" in the feedback form. Not a big deal, anyway.

murrayjames   March 10th, 2010 5:04p.m.

Ditto what James and Byzanti said.

Like a lot of other people here, I'm a college student. Making professional inroads, sure, but still in a place where I don't have extra money to burn.

Skritter has helped me out tons. As a service, it's something I'd probably pay for regardless. But it sure does help that I like the people I'm giving money to.

Keep up the great work!

戴莉絲婷   March 10th, 2010 5:54p.m.

Ditto, jww1066! Go Skritter team! :)

Lyons   March 11th, 2010 6:08a.m.

Ditto all the above!

pts   March 11th, 2010 10:46a.m.

Skritter’s customer service used to be excellent. Moreover the past experience shows that they do deliver what they have promised. The guys there are wonderful. So, no matter what the real reason is behind the scene that has caused the recent hitch, they are trying their best to rectify it. I’m sure the customer service will soon go back to normal and even better.

george   March 11th, 2010 5:39p.m.

Okay, I think I have finished the majority of the backlog comment e-mails. Pts, I didn't find any that were not responded to from the middle of February, if you see them again and they are still incorrect I would really appreciate if you could e-mail me those corrections. In the future we will be better about getting this done in a timely fashion.

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