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Total button on progress page

shinyspoons   July 4th, 2010 5:42a.m.

There seems to be no way to see the total number of characters added/learned on the new progress page, could you put a total button on there somewhere.


scott   July 6th, 2010 7:50p.m.

Well, if you hover your mouse over the graph you can see total numbers for how much you've learned, but that still doesn't give you totals for reviews and added. I'm hesitant to put back a button that would switch between range and total again because that was one of the more confusing aspects of the old design. We'll see if we can put those numbers back some other way though! Just have to figure out the design...

skritterjohan   July 7th, 2010 5:22a.m.

I went looking for the total number of characters added on the progress page but I also was unable to find it. I then found this forum post so I guess: +1.

jww1066   July 7th, 2010 7:54a.m.

What if the items in the graph were clickable and brought up the totals as of that date? Then you could put as much detail as you wanted into those detail views.

scott   July 7th, 2010 11:01a.m.

There wasn't an obvious way to do that with the visualization library, though we thought of doing that. There may yet be a way to do it; I don't have a full understanding of the visualization's capabilities, but I think I'd still rather keep that data outside that area so as to avoid confusion.

Doug (松俊江)   July 8th, 2010 12:38a.m.

Might just have an "All" button beside the "Year" button that takes you to a separate visualization; right now you can't get your total hours studied and the other stats at the very top of the page in one place. Now that the hours studied table is a lot wider it might also make sense to have hours studied by day instead of by week in the bar charts (i.e. have more bars). None of this is pressing though - the new progress page looks really nice.

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