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To miles - also, idea for new mnemonic feature

Bosmon   July 10th, 2010 3:09a.m.

I wonder if it would be possible to integrate the mnemonic feature with something like a forum. Quite often I am so impressed with a mnemonic that I would like to get in touch with the original author. I think this would be an interesting new source of "community".
To miles, you have to win an award for "Thick Cliff, child of the generous sun" :)

Bosmon   July 10th, 2010 3:32a.m.

PS - also kudos to Grahameh for "Honorable Fu3" :P

Neil   July 10th, 2010 5:58a.m.

树 "this is the correct word for a tree" - good one!

sarac   July 10th, 2010 10:17a.m.

This is a suggestion for those who use/like the formatted types of mnemonics. Sometimes what seems most helpful to me is a resemblance to another character although there's no shared component, according the the sources I check. So I use the ~ mark to flag that; I know it's supposed to be a tilde but it reminds me of the mathematical symbol for approximate. For example, just now I was writing one for 抵 (support) and the right half I connect with 低 (low) so I put ~low~ in my mnemonic.

Right, it's not for everyone but maybe it can work for you.

Miles   July 11th, 2010 1:27p.m.

Wow, thanks Bosmon! It's fun making these things up, isn't it?
sarac, I will adopt your idea. Only thing is, how not to confuse newcomers?

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