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Skritter is awesome! Plus 2 questions

winslowalrob   July 2nd, 2010 10:19p.m.

Hey everybody I am new here and have been blown away by the quality and service of the program. There are a few things I was wondering about though and hoping the community could give me some tips.

I am using New Practical Chinese Reader as my textbook, and have added chapters 1-18 (I did 16 first because I was fiddling with the addon stuff and diddnt know what I was doing) and I cant figure out how to move up in chapters. Basically, I am working on chapter 18 with my tutor now and I keep getting chapter 16 and 1 on skritter. How do I change that, while keeping the old chapters so I can review em?

Also, how do I make mnemonics? Or use other people's ones? I know how to write them, but are there any tips on making them yourself, and any examples you might have?

PS skritter rocks.

marchey   July 3rd, 2010 4:19a.m.

The easiest way to play/pause lists is by hitting the active list button on the practice page. Unfortunately it only shows the last 10 lists that you have added as long as they are still being added from, i.e. as long as there are words left in them. As for reviewing the old chapters...you don't have to do anything for this. That is the beauty of Skritter: it schedules the reviews for you so that you end up by remembering this stuff for always :-)


scott   July 6th, 2010 7:45p.m.

Sorry for the slow reply here, we had a pretty busy July 4th weekend here at Skritter HQ. Still catching up on forum stuff.

So you added chapter 16 already and those words are in your studies, but you want to remove them. The best way to remove them is to go to the section for that list, select the words to remove, and then remove them. So go to this URL:


Click the 'All' link where it says 'Select', and then click the big blue 'remove from study' button. Then those words will stop showing up when you practice, but they'll be added again when you get to that chapter.

And as marchey says, you can use the practice page active lists box to play/pause lists to control when words are added. You can also force words to be added from all lists that are active by clicking the green button in the upper left corner of the practice page.

As for mnemonics, the button shows up if there are others being shared. Just click the mnemonic box to edit it and see the button that lets you view others, if available. Check out what others have put in to see how people tend to do them. Whatever works best for you, really!

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