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Hiding Pinyin ......

Bohan   July 13th, 2010 1:07a.m.

I just noticed that Skritter doesn't allow hiding pinyin while studying tones ONLY. So, for example, if I want to study the tones of a set of characters without actually drawing the characters, I'm unable to hide the pinyin , because even when I check "Hide Pinyin" in the settings, the pinyin still shows up. The only time the pinyin is hidden is when I'm studying writing and tones, but it won't work for just studying tones.

I actually think it would be much better to have the option to hide the pinyin while studying tones, so that we can't cheat at all by looking at the characters pinyin and then remembering which tone it is.

Bohan   July 13th, 2010 1:10a.m.

and by the way, I did try refreshing the page after I adjusted the settings. It didn't change anything. I also tried going through the list and waiting for the pinyin to disappear. This also made no difference.

Byzanti   July 13th, 2010 3:58a.m.

Sorry, not keen here. Had a lengthy discussion on this once before, somewhere on the forum...

nick   July 13th, 2010 12:15p.m.

Here's one of the threads on it:

Bohan   July 14th, 2010 1:04a.m.

So we basically can't choose that option, right?


nick   July 14th, 2010 12:26p.m.

It's open for well-reasoned debate still, but I think there won't be a separate preference--it'll be one way or the other. I have heard a number of people wanting the pinyin hidden during tone practice as well, though.

Bohan   July 14th, 2010 1:27p.m.

okay, well here is my argument in favor of being able to hide the pinyin while practicing tones:

1. Being able to see characters' pinyin is basically just like being shown Pinyin words such as "guo jia" and having to type or draw the tones (2, 1).

2. Pinyin is a phonetic guide and nothing else. Our main goal is to learn Chinese characters and their tones. While first learning a set of new words, it is very helpful to see their pinyin, but after being introduced to a set of new words and being familiarized a bit, it then becomes time to take the next step: take away the phonetic guide (pinyin).

3. Being able to see a difficult character's pinyin can serve as a mnemonic for remembering the character's tone. In real life situations, such as reading signs and newspapers we don't have that option, so we should be able to transition directly from Hanzi to tone.

4. By being shown the pinyin, it's basically like going straight from non-tone-marked pinyin, to tone number. Looking at the actual character isn't even necessary when studying a 20 word list.

Please allow us the option to hide pinyin when practicing tones!! This will be a huge improvement and everyone will be happy because you can choose either or both

nick   July 16th, 2010 9:00a.m.

I will run a poll.

Bohan   July 16th, 2010 9:22a.m.

okay great. I'll keep an eye out for it.

Dailycookie   July 20th, 2010 4:19a.m.

Nick knows I'm a little biased about this, because personally I have a hard time studying with all the pinyin visible and he's tried more than once to address the problem for me, which I really appreciate... :) but

In the other thread I know you said, Nick, that you prefer to keep the number of settings small... which I totally respect. But honestly, I really feel an additional check box for this is the right way to go. An issue like this is literally the definition of a "personal preference".

Even if a poll shows a general preference for the way it currently works, there is already a checkbox in settings relating to hiding pinyin, and it's easy to interpret it doing something other than it currently does. Having another checkbox would clarify it and solve the problem. I'm sure you could name them better than me, but something like 1) Hide pinyin during test 2) Hide pinyin at all times

Currently "Hide Pinyin" doesn't REALLY hide pinyin.

بألب   July 20th, 2010 7:43a.m.

I totally agree!!

Dailycookie   August 2nd, 2010 3:31a.m.

Hate to be a pest... but I saw the poll and, to my pleasant surprise, it seems that the majority of folks who answered agreed and would prefer it to be hidden for tone practice, or at least wouldn't be bothered if it were.

Any chance this can changed soon? :)

nick   August 2nd, 2010 10:23a.m.

Yes; on the other thread that asked about this, I said that I'd change it soon. Just got back into the office today and am catching up now.

Dailycookie   August 2nd, 2010 11:34a.m.

Oh ok. Thanks! Sorry, didn't see the other thread.

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