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queue as a list

jww1066   February 6th, 2011 12:39p.m.

I noticed that "Made by me" now has a link to the Queue, but the Queue is still not treated like other custom lists. Is that still on the horizon?

The main problem I have is that I usually add items to my queue using the Zhongwen plugin, but if I don't have all parts turned on (reading, definition, and writing in my case) I only get some of the parts in the queue, and when I change the study settings back to include all parts, the queue isn't updated. If it were a list, that wouldn't be a problem as I could just restart the list.

As a workaround, every couple of months I export my entire set of words and re-add them to the queue with all parts turned on, just to be sure I'm not missing anything.

A better workaround (and maybe this would be quicker than converting the Queue into a list) would be to have a button "add missing parts" that would go through all my words and add all the parts that are turned on, but not present for those words.


jcdoss   February 6th, 2011 12:45p.m.

Or, you could just hit the magnifying glass when you encounter one of these words and turn on the missing parts thataway.

This of course means you'd have to know what words you'll be looking for, which might not be practical.

jww1066   February 6th, 2011 12:51p.m.

@jcdoss I have several thousand words in "my words". Not really practical to hit the hourglass on each one.

jcdoss   February 6th, 2011 4:14p.m.

Actually, I meant to hit the hourglass as you study. That way, they'd at least be added little-at-a-time so you wouldn't be overwhelmed.

I've always wanted to ask you... that photo... is that your sasquatch impression?

nick   February 6th, 2011 4:53p.m.

Yeah, we're getting closer to turning it into a list; concrete plans have been made. A little more patience and we'll be there.

I always figured that James was someplace really, really windy, getting ready to have a tennis ball or frisbee launched at his midsection.

jww1066   February 6th, 2011 5:07p.m.

Hahahahaha, that was in the Presidio on a trip to SF with some friends. My wife had us all jump at the same time and I ended up looking like some kind of tree monster.

YouJing   February 6th, 2011 7:31p.m.

I've done exactly the same thing (Export and re add to make sure I don't miss anything).
A "Add missing parts" button would be sweet.

The queue as a list, what are your plans for that now? How will it work?

After a word is added to study it is removed from the queue, is it going to be removed from the new "queue list" as well?
Or are there going to be different list? One for the words that are not added yet and one for the words which are already being studied?

podster   February 6th, 2011 10:25p.m.

Not sure if this is related, but I started playing around with a new study regime: Choose a ChinesePod elementary lesson, export the vocabulary list to Pleco for mobile flashcards, and study the writing with Skritter. Since I am sort of experimenting at this stage, I would rather that the words not go into my queue just yet. However, short of exporting the words within Skritter and pasting them into the scratchpad I am not sure how to accomplish this. Is there a "study from list without adding to queue" option?

jww1066   February 7th, 2011 7:03a.m.

@podster just the scratchpad AFAIK. But why don't you want to review the words later? You can always delete them if you decide they aren't worth it.

nick   February 7th, 2011 7:08p.m.

The new queue will keep track of everything you added to it before. It'll basically be a list, and we're going to make lists smarter about giving you any material you add onto the end (which is all that the queue is good at now). Scott will have more details when he creates it. There will also be separate queue lists depending on where the word is added from, for example MDBG vs. bookmarklet vs. as part of the Skritter site, etc.

Yeah, easy to delete all the words from a list if you turn out not to like it, and it doesn't get rid of anything you added from another list. Also, you don't have to export the words to get them into the scratchpad; you can copy the whole table of words while looking at a section in Skritter and paste them back into the list editor thing, which the scratchpad also uses.

podster   February 8th, 2011 5:44p.m.

Thanks, jmw1066. My thinking was that since I am "experimenting" with making Skritter both context specific and mutually reinforcing with two other tools (CPod and Pleco)I might want to undo the results if they are not satisfactory or if I end up with a lot of low frequency words in my queue that are crowding out more useful ones.

If I understand right. Deleting the list will take all of the list elements out of the queue, except for those that are also attributable to other lists?

Would it be possible to build in a function where the scratchpad fetches a list (browse and click?) so that I can study from the list? If I never activate the adding of words for that list to the queue that would have the same effect. There might be some other users in the situation of wanting to focus on a short list without having it affect the queue in any way.

jww1066   February 8th, 2011 6:16p.m.

@podster yeah you can do two things. If it's a super-rare word that you really don't want to study, you can delete it. (You can always re-add it later.) If it's something that you don't want to bother with right now, but maybe want to study later, you could think about hitting "too easy" to send it into the medium future. I occasionally do this with things that are confusing me because they're too similar to other items that I'm studying.

nick   February 9th, 2011 6:56a.m.

podster, I hesitate to add a button to study a section without progress tracking on. Have you tried the copy/paste thing into the scratchpad? It should be pretty quick. If there were a lot of users doing that, we'd make it easier, but as it is the scratchpad without progress tracking doesn't see much use.

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