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Back in action

nick   March 16th, 2010 5:32p.m.

Just got back from my France trip with Chloe last night in time to send out the newsletter and crash. I've finished figuring out my backlog: 286 emails to respond to and up to 15 forum threads. Whew! Got several timely bugs to fix, too.

So I'll be working on fixing and responding to all the stuff everyone has sent in, including a bunch of corrections from before I left, but it will take several days. Thanks for magnificent patience!

Byzanti   March 16th, 2010 5:46p.m.

Welcome back. You even managed to interpret the thread below this one.

Impressed I am, to say the least !

ximeng   March 16th, 2010 6:04p.m.

Also impressed at the interpretation of the DH Lawrence thread. I had no clue what that was talking about, but it makes sense now. Welcome back.

Byzanti   March 16th, 2010 6:07p.m.

Oh, and I should really say:


(If you've shopped in Walmart in China, you'll sympathise ;p)

jlm2jlm2   March 16th, 2010 6:51p.m.


No jet lag?

jww1066   March 16th, 2010 7:29p.m.

Welcome back. Hope you smuggled in some unpasteurized cheese.

Nicki   March 16th, 2010 8:55p.m.

How was France? Hope you had an excellent adventure there.

nick   March 16th, 2010 9:27p.m.

Thanks guys! Didn't smuggle in any cheese, although that would have been a good idea--their cheese is great! We did make my backpack smell good from a bunch of different scented soaps from Marseille.

France was awesome; did a lot of hiking, actually, and didn't have to do too much touristy stuff. Ate a ton of good food. Walked my feet off. Watched as Chloe took care of everything in French (hot).

Yeah, I have jet lag still, but I'ma show it who's boss. Just gonna... respond... zzzmails... zzzz....

Byzanti   March 16th, 2010 9:44p.m.

I've heard they don't have proper cheese in America. I've been a few times, but never really noticed. True or not?

Nicki   March 16th, 2010 11:34p.m.

Perhaps not as proper as France, but better than the cheese situation in China!

戴莉絲婷   March 17th, 2010 8:43a.m.

Well, sounds like you were in good hands, Nick! I can tell you, if you had a French speaker w/ you, you had a good introduction to the country - you get a great welcome from the locals when you try to speak French. :) Where did you go?

nick   March 17th, 2010 6:16p.m.

We stayed in Marseille for four days, visited Aix-en-Provence, and hit Paris for two days (which was plenty for my tastes--not enough hiking there!). Yeah, everyone was really friendly, even in Paris.

阿軒   March 18th, 2010 6:02p.m.

Nice! I miss my french home so bad :(
Aix-en-Provence is beautiful :)
But my favorite place will always be Biarritz / Bayonne !

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